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Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo

This film is set to a very unusual soundtrack—’Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo’ from Walt Disney’s Cinderella. It stars a number of professional soccer players, including Lionel Messi, David Luiz, Sergio Ramos, and Landon Donovan and the video was promoted with the #BeUnreal tag. Although it’s only implied, the Gatorade fil, suggests that actually “becoming unreal” comes from putting in the hard work in order to be the best. Most of the video shows the soccer stars training and finally, like Cinderella, they get to the big event at the end and the real magic comes through. But fortunately for the guys, unlike acquiring things from a fairy godmother by magic, their efforts from training will not go away when the clock strikes midnight.


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Temp Tall

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Temp Tall

Client: Gatorade

Role: Global Creative Director